This week Kindergarten children will reflect on God and being thankful for all our blessings. As we give thanks to God, we acknowledge that all things have been created by him, belong to him, and come to us through his goodness. Thanksgiving provides an occasion where we can show our families how thankful we […]
Dear Parents, November 19, 2012 We have much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving week and at the top of my list is YOU! Thank you for all your support and for sharing your children with me. They make me smile everyday! This is […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, With Thanksgiving next week, we will not have any worksheets for homework. Linked below is the weekly reading/web log and flash cards. Continue to read each night – record on log. If interested in Book-it program, have your child color a slice of pizza after reading. Our goal is 80 minutes per […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. The students have a very busy week ahead of them. Please have your child wear their P.E. uniform on Thursday. Every night your child should be reviewing their Social Studies and Science notes. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! A reminder that we have a full day of school on Friday. We continue receiving information about different parts of our country; thanks to all the flat host families. We will soon be sending Thanksgiving cards to our hosts. Be sure to contact the […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, What an eventful week we had! The science lab and lesson through the Discovery Center was excellent. Your children found out how meal worms react to light, odor (peppermint), rough surface, and water. Click link (Family Letter) below to read all about their program. A hard copy will come home in the […]
We have an exciting week ahead!! Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 13th, fourth grade will be exploring Rancho Olivas Adobe in Ventura. This will be an exciting day of applying what we will learn about California’s rancho period. Students will be shown what life was like on a real adobe rancho during the 1800’s in California. We […]
Dear Parents, November 13, 2012 We will be finishing up theme 3 in our reading series this week. Our reading strategy is “questioning”. Before reading a story, we look at the cover, the title and the pictures and make a prediction about what the […]
This past week in Religion, first grade learned four different types of prayer – Praise, Asking, Thanks, and Sorry. In class we did a group project to illustrate what a Praise prayer, Asking prayer, Thanks prayer and Sorry prayer look like. We took our group illustrations and added them to our Religion board in our […]
As we participate in this Year of Faith, Kindergartners are in the process of creating a book reflecting their faith in God. In addition to our book, each month we are adding a new prayer to our daily prayer routine. We learned Hail Mary in October and Our Father is our prayer in progress for […]