The middle school spent this week working in groups designing national monuments. After viewing a video clip on various national monuments the middle school broke out into small groups and designed their own monuments honoring an event or person in history. Some of the choices were Rosa Parks, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, and Titanic. Each […]
Dear Families, As the year comes to a close we will spend this week completing projects. This Friday is our “Jump Up Day”. This allows the students to get a preview for what next year will be like. Friday is a noon dismissal. Water sales continue every Tuesday and Thursday for $1:00. Below is an […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Our last Primary Centers for this school year turned out great. I want to express my thanks for all who have helped us on Friday as well as throughout the school year. Your time in class and helping to prepare the crafts was much appreciated. Our religion for the last two weeks […]
Dear Third Grade Families, With the end of the school year fast approaching, we’ve got a very busy schedule ahead of us. This Tuesday we will have families in the morning in order to make a special gift for our graduating 8th grade family leaders. We will also have a short Flag Day assembly on […]
Fourth Grade Wax Museum! The time has arrived! Please have your children dressed and at school before 5:45 on Wednesday, June 13th. The children are very excited to share this special event. I will meet with the students inside the hall for a few minutes before we open the doors. Thank you all for your […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We had our last primary center for this school year on Friday. Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped us to be successful and have fun. We appreciate you. As we begin on the last stretch of second grade, we continue to work hard and complete projects, continue to […]
During the month of May, kindergarten students learned about Mary. Our class quilt was made in her honor and we learned to pray the Rosary. Many students brought in their rosary to share with the class. We watched a couple of appropriate clips from the movie The Miracle at Fatima. The apparition of the Blessed […]
Dear Parents, June 10, 2012 As we quickly approach the end of the school year, we are in constant review and wrap up of all subjects! We will continue our work on our second Writers Workshop, with the topic of recess in the […]
Kindergarten Families, Homework for this second to last week of school: read 15-20 minutes each night – complete the reading/web log. The red homework folder is coming home on Monday. A couple of math papers will be included to return on Thursday along with the log. We have enjoyed sharing our book reports in class. […]
On Wednesday the 8th grade class had an awesome experience at the Ventura Courthouse. The students were able to sit in on discussions in traffic court and preliminary hearing court. The judges also answered questions from the students. Next a bailiff explained his job and all the tools on his belt. Lastly, we were able […]