Dear Parents,                          August 27, 2012

Your children are doing a great job adjusting to First Grade! There is a lot to learn in the beginning of the school year and they have just about all of our routines down!

If your child chooses to bring a snack for recess, I ask that you pack only one, nutritious item for them to eat.  Please remember that we eat outside during recess time and they are anxious to get out and play on that big, wonderful field.  All food items need to be in a lunch box of some sort (no brown bags) even on hot lunch days.  Thank you.

We are reviewing our letters and the sounds associated with the letters this week in language arts.  We will practice printing them and working with words that begin with each letter.

In math, we are working on addition. We are learning what an addition number sentence is and we are practicing new vocabulary such as the word sum (the answer to an addition problem).

Social studies finds us working on unit 1 – School Days.  We will learn from a picture and a map and work with our sixth grade buddies on Friday to create a simple map of our school grounds.

Science finds us jumping into plant life. We will be headed to the Science lab for the beginning stages of an experiment! We will also have time this week to wrap up our watercolor art project we started on Friday.

In Religion, we are learning all about creation! My goodness, God created a lot of wonderful things!

Your children did a wonderful job returning their red homework folder and daily planner to school every day last week.  Please make sure to sign each day (in the comment box) indicating that you have checked their homework.    If a worksheet page is indicated as homework it will be in their red folder and after completing the worksheet it should be returned to school in the red folder.

Please remind your student to bring their library book to school every Tuesday if they take it home. This is our library day and our chance to check out a new one – but only if we return our old one!

Also, tomorrow is PE. Remember to wear PE uniform. Red shorts and red shirts or white shirts with a red heart for girls and blue shorts and blue shirts or white shirts with a blue heart for boys. IN addition please make sure that your child is wearing appropriate shoes (i.e. tennis shoes)

Thank you to those that sent me a quick note so that I have your email address. I am missing quite a few of you though.  Please send me a quick response with your email address as soon as possible so that we can communicate via email.   My school address is

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.  Have a wonderful week!

Miss. Manning
