Dear Families, On June 4th we will be going to Ventura County’s Food Share. We will be collecting food to take with us to our field trip. I am asking that every student bring at least one item to donate. This Wednesday is Free Dress for a donation of $1.00. Friday is a full day […]
This week we will complete our geometry unit. I am encouraging the students to take their books home daily to review the terms and concepts learned. The test for this unit will be next Tuesday, May 22nd. The students have been working together to perform a variety of readers theatre presentations. We are working on […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, What a nice Mother’s Day Sunday! I hope every mom enjoyed a special time with her children. Events for this week: Free dress on Wednesday –cost $1.00 all proceeds go to the Salvation Army. May Crowning on Wednesday at 2:00-parents are welcome as always! Friday is a full day of school. Remember […]
Dear Parents, May 13, 2012 Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you all enjoyed your Mother’s Day gift and card! We are continuing on with Theme 10. Our reading strategy this week is summarizing. The comprehension skill that will help us with this is […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Homework for this week: Read each night — link for reading /web log is below. Red folder has 2 homework pages included from our classroom textbooks. Phonemic awareness letter /x/ as an ending sound. Adding math facts-tell a story and draw a picture that corresponds with addends. ‘Weather Changes’ paper is available […]
Parents, Please add these websites to your computer’s bookmarks. Encourage your children to spend time in the various programs to reinforce and improve upon their skills. Mrs. Sharon Redmond Suggested websites:
Dear Second Grade Families, First Holy Communion was great. Thank you for all your help in getting your child ready for this beautiful occasion. The boys and girls looked wonderful and did such a great job. Thank you to Father Bill. He arranged the music as well as celebrated our special Mass with important messages […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, As we move into this month of May, your children will discover the meaning of God’s gifts. Our focus is how to show and thank God for his gift of love. The Family Life Series will have us review God’s gift of love in our families. Chapter 22 in our Religion text […]
Dear Third Grade Families, On Tuesday, Progress Reports will be going home. Please remember to sign and return these as soon as possible. Wednesday is a FREE dress day. Students need not bring a dollar should they choose to participate. Please see the dress code for clothing guidelines. Thursday afternoon we will be “Painting with […]
Dear Families, Tuesday we will be going on our field trip to Ronald Reagan Library to analyze artifacts on tour from Mt. Vernon. Students need to bring a sack lunch and a drink. Students will also need to wear their uniforms. Also, on Tuesday Progress Reports will be going home. Please sign and return by […]