Multipurpose Room 1, affectionately known as the science lab, got a work-out today! Middle School students enjoyed all classes in the lab today. The sixth grade study Earth Science and have been studying volcanoes. We tried the old baking soda and vinegar model earlier and although fun and messy, really didn’t simulate a volcano as […]
The 7th grade enjoyed their field trip to the Long Beach Aquarium! We had a behind-the-scenes tour of the Blue Cavern exhibit, a tour of the aquarium and loved touching, jellies, sharks and stingrays. It was a beautiful, warm evening and the walk down to the dock was fun. We collected seawater and took it […]
Today the 8th grade class read the Passion of Jesus, the Gospel for this Sunday. We discussed the emotions Jesus, Mary, and the disciples must have felt during that 24 hour time frame 2,000 years ago. Our discussion focused on the ability of Jesus to stay calm and forgive everyone who hurt him and let […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, As we get ready for Easter Vacation, homework will be light–read nightly and record on reading/web log and Book-it form. March is the last month for the Book-it program. Links are provided below to download, print and return. I am including two faith related websites along with Word Family Sort. […]
Week of March 26-30, 2012 Dear Second Grade Families, Reconciliation IS THIS WEDNESDAY. Since it is a school day, students are to wear their usual uniforms. We look forward to you joining your child for this special morning. Remember we will meet you in church about 9:30. You are invited and encouraged to go to […]
Dear Third Grade Families, You may have noticed that the Sacred Heart playground is looking a little cleaner. Our class has gone out two times now to pick up small scraps and wrappers about ten minutes before recess. The students wore gloves and worked in teams. I am very proud of our class for taking […]
Dear Families, This week is a very busy week for our class. Report cards will be going home on Tuesday. Please sign and return the envelope. On Wednesday we will be going to the Oxnard Performing Arts Center. We will be departing at 8:50a and returning to school at 11:30a. Students will wear their school […]
There is a lot happening in fourth grade this week! Tuesday: Report cards will be sent home Wednesday: This day is our field trip to the Oxnard Performing Arts Center. Students are to wear their uniforms this day. We will return to school for lunch. There will be a quiz on the words from chapters […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, March seems to be ending like a lion! It is hard to believe there are only five days left in this month. In class, we will be reading about Palm Sunday and making a palm craft. Holy Week will be discussed as we prepare for Easter. Report Cards are coming home on […]
Dear Parents, March 26, 2012 Our reading strategy this week is “predicting/inferring”. The comprehension skill that will help us with inferring is drawing conclusions. Using the text, pictures, and our own prior knowledge will help us draw conclusions when we […]