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Our Students

Field Trip, Homework and Holiday

Kindergarten By November 18, 2011 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Kindergarten students are very excited. We are going on our first field trip! A walk to our neighborhood Fire Station escorted by Fireman Hoffman. Permission slips must be returned by Monday, November 21 in order for your child to attend. Thank you for reading the website and finding the links […]


Saintly Presentations

8th Grade By November 17, 2011 No Comments

The last several weeks the 8th grade class has researched a saint that interests them and prepared a report on that saint. Today they dressed as the saint and spoke to the lower grades about their life. The class did an excellent job on this project. When we finished being saints, we went into the […]


Fourth Grade Nov. 14th

4th Grade By November 14, 2011 No Comments

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend!  Fall is certainly in the air as we begin the week. All students now have a mission or gold rush project to begin thinking about and exploring.  Please sit down with your child and help him or her decide what kind of project to do.  All of […]


Farming Civilizations

6th Grade, Our Students By November 14, 2011 No Comments

The 6th grade just finished learning about the importance of farming to early civilizations. To demonstrate their knowledge, the students worked in groups and designed farming civilizations. They brought in supplies from home and created towns with farms, domesticated animals, water sources, bridges, and pottery. The finished projects were amazing and their first grade buddies […]


First Grade Newsletter!

1st Grade By November 13, 2011 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                       November 14, 2011 We briefly started theme 4 in our reading series last week and will continue this week. As a reminder from last week, the theme is “Family & Friends”.  Our reading strategy, […]


Kinder Homework 11-11-11

Kindergarten By November 11, 2011 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Hopefully all families received an email regarding homework. all homework is online this week! I would enjoy feedback in the comments area below this post. It is a holiday weekend, written homework is only two pages. One cut, trace and paste sight word sentence practice and an American flag coloring page for […]
