Fourth grade is in full swing and the students are working hard. This week: Math: We continue to explore place value. All students should also be practicing their multiplication facts. The goal is 100 facts recalled in 3 minutes. Reading: The students are enjoying the adventures of Gooseberry Park with Kona, Stumpy, and Gwyndolyn. Social […]
This Sunday will be the 22nd Sunday in ordinary time. The new Catholic Youth Bibles are very engaging as we read the Gospel. This week the class reflects on the struggles or crosses they bear and how to overcome these struggles. They shared great ideas and the desire to do better in school, sports, and […]
Yesterday, we welcomed a new student in Kindergarten. His name is Adam. This year, our class has 14 boys and 12 girls. We are happy to have you in our class, Adam!
Today all middle school students received their first accelerated math assignment. We discussed the requirements and I would like all parents to be aware of them as well. Two assignments need to be completed each full week. (At times we have three or four due in a two-week period). Sixth graders’ passing score is 70% […]
Today was our first full day of the school year, and it was full! The students now have all of their textbooks and we have officially begun to delve into each of our subject areas. We are happy to welcome 4 new students this year! A big welcome to David Dunham, Valerie Garcia, Nicholas Maulhardt, […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Welcome to the Fifth grade! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful summer! This week begins our first full week of school. The students are very excited and so ready for fifth grade! I am so excited for this year! I want to make sure each student has a wonderful year. I […]
Dear Third Grade Families, I can’t believe we’re already into our first week of school! It has been a joy getting to know your children and I think we have a very good year ahead of us. Today we took home our first Homework assignments. In your child’s homework folder, you found a reading log […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We had a good start to the school year in second grade. In addition to the introduction to the classroom routines, we had a get together with our seventh grade buddies and then attended Mass together on Friday, as we will do on all Fridays. This week we will be getting […]
On Thursday the 8th grade class used their new youth Bibles for the first Gospel Thursday class. This Sunday is the 21st Sunday in ordinary time and the Gospel focused on Saint Peter being the rock of the Church. The students discussed the meaning of Jesus’s words regarding our actions on earth being bound in […]
Yesterday all three middle school classes viewed a video on safety in the science lab. Each student has a list of guidelines attached to a contract, which needs to be signed by both student and parent/guardian and returned to school by next Monday. Next Tuesday we will have a test on lab safety and students […]