August 17, 2011 Dear Families, I warmly welcome you all to fourth grade. It is not only your children who experience the excitement of their one and only fourth grade year, but you as well. We will work together as a team to make sure your child has a great year. I am excited to […]
Welcome back 6th graders! I hope you and your families enjoyed a wonderful summer. I am so excited to see all of you on Wednesday morning. We are going to explore many fascinating ancient civilizations and the Old Testament during our year together. Please bring your supplies and new Bibles on the first day. We […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I wish to thank all of you for choosing our school. Your students will have a great educational experience here. It was nice to see that many of you were in town and able to join us for orientation on Wednesday. I enjoyed visiting with your children again! They were polite, inquisitive […]
Father Cyprian Carlo presided at the Friday evening 8th Grade Graduation Mass. He selected Luke, Chapter 2, verses 41-52 as the Gospel for this special Mass, the account of the young boy, Jesus, separated from Joseph and Mary as He stays behind in Jerusalem to spend time in His Father’s House. Father Cyprian sees valuable […]
Friday night’s Mass, Presentation of Diplomas, and Reception in Biedermann Hall completed the three days of graduation activities for The Class of 2011. Many family members and friends watched the graduates process one at a time into Sacred Heart Church. Graduates welcomed the guests, read, dressed the altar, brought the gifts to the altar, and […]
Are you ready to go, class of 2011? Don’t forget your signed permission slips! See you at 8:45 this morning!
Dear Parents of Incoming Fourth Graders, I am very much looking forward to getting to know all of you as I teach your children next year. I have spoken to the students about the importance of continuing to read over the summer. Below are a few websites that give suggestions for children’s books and the […]
The 7th grade just finished reading The Child of the Owl. The story is about a young Chinese American girl who goes to live with her grandmother in Chinatown in San Francisco. We will be having a Chinese food luncheon on Wednesday, June 8th at 12p. The students have signed up to bring various Chinese […]
Dear Families, It was wonderful to see you all last Thursday at our wax museum. The children did a fantastic job! I am very proud of each and every one. I know they had a wonderful time and so did I! It was an evening to remember. I especially want to thank Mrs. Castaneda, Mrs. […]
Dear Second Grade Families, WOW!!! This is the last week of our school year. The students will begin to bring things home gradually so there will not be quite so much on Friday. The last second grade letter will be in the envelope your child will receive on Friday, our last day. There will also […]