Dear Parents, May 22, 2011 As you know, we had a WONDERFUL time at the zoo! Please return your child’s zoo folder back to school, as we are still using them. We will continue to use them as we study the continents and as we work on our research report. We are starting our last […]
Today the 8th grade reflected on this Sunday’s gospel outside, behind the hall, near the cross. This is the 5th Sunday of the Easter season and the reading this week is from the Gospel of John. The students discussed 5 areas where they see Christ everyday in their life. Small groups then acted out different […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, It was nice to see so many families able to attend the Spring Fling! Your children did an excellent job performing the “Hand Jive” under Mr. Doswell’s direction. As we near the closing of this school year, your students will end the year with a promotional ceremony. We will celebrate our year […]
Dear Second Grade Families, FIRST COMMUNION certificates and banners will be sent home this week. Please put them in a safe spot, as they will be needed for Confirmation. If you have extra pictures you can share, please send them in. The second graders earned the last letter for the mystery word, CELEBRATION. On Thursday […]
It was great to see everyone at the Spring Fling. The students really enjoyed themselves. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We have the Spring Program this Wednesday night. The students have been doing an excellent job. I’m so proud of them! They are very excited about Wednesday night. This Friday is a noon […]
This week fourth grade is discussing the role of the conscience in making good choices. God has given every human being freedom of choice. We are discussing what that means and how it is up to each of us to make moral choices in our lives. Making moral choices involves the following steps: 1. Ask […]
A big thank you to those who helped make our Spring Fling an exciting day! I know the children enjoyed the food and games. In and Out for lunch was certainly a welcome treat! As we near the end of our school year, we will be wrapping up our last few chapters and units of […]
Dear Third Grade Families, Our field trip to Underwood Family Farms last week couldn’t have been better! Each student was able to pick and take home a pound of strawberries, 2 onions, a head of lettuce and stalk of celery. We also enjoyed the tractor ride and feeding a variety of farm animals. The weather […]
Dear Parents, May 16, 2011 What an exciting week – the Spring Musical (performed by 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders), Primary Centers, and our FIELD TRIP! We have finished theme 9 in our reading series and are anxious to start our last theme for the year, however with Primary Centers and our field trip this […]
Dear Second Grade Families, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO OUR GREAT SECOND GRADE MOTHERS. If the bracelets don’t fit or break, just return them to school and they will be fixed. First Holy Communion was great. Thank you for all your help in getting your child ready for this beautiful occasion. The boys and girls looked […]