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March 7

Kindergarten By March 7, 2011 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, I hope everyone had a nice weekend and many of our classmates are feeling better. It is hard to believe we have only one trimester left in this school year! Mass on Ash Wednesday as we begin our Lenten journey. Faith concepts and virtues for religion: Our gift of life from God. […]


Weekly Letter 3-7-11

1st Grade By March 6, 2011 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     March 7, 2011 Happy Monday!  Big changes in the first grade classroom- yes, I had nothing better to do Friday night – so I rearranged the classroom!  We love to work in small groups with our aides and I am trying to streamline the moving from center to center.  The classroom seems more […]


Homework links

Kindergarten By March 4, 2011 No Comments

Dear Parents, As you help your child with the homework for the weekend or next week, here are some additional links one in honor of Dr. Seuss and Read Across America with several reading activities and games. Random House also has reading and interactive games, I am including a baseball game with rhyming words (Cat […]



Kindergarten By March 3, 2011 No Comments

The Children’s Bible is read and discussed most every day in our kindergarten class. This week we are reading the parables of Jesus and reflecting His message in our daily lives.   The Parable of the Sower (the Farmer’s Seeds) and the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast have been a topic of great […]


Fourth Grade Religion

4th Grade By March 2, 2011 No Comments

Fourth grade has been learning more about the parts of the Mass.  We have been discussing the Mass in terms of sacrifice.  Students learned that there are two reasons for offering our sacrifice to God. One is to give adoration, the other to show sorrow for our sins. We have talked about how very early Christians […]


Week of February 28-March 4, 2011

2nd Grade By February 28, 2011 No Comments

 Dear Second Grade Families, This is the last week of the second trimester of school. Time flies!!!! This is also a very busy week for all. Wednesday begins our school wide celebration of READ ACROSS AMERICA. There will be a scavenger hunt (books read) and a school family story time. Ask you student about […]
