Dear Second Grade Families, Hope the long weekend was an enjoyable one. This week again will be a short week with lots to do. FLAT PEOPLE UPDATE: We are still receiving some mail from our flat people hosts and a flat people are returning to Sacred Heart and will be returned to their owner after […]
Dear Parents, February 22, 2011 I hope that you all enjoyed the long weekend. That extra cup of coffee in my P.J.’s was quite nice! We are finishing theme 6 in our reading series this week and will spend the week reviewing and assessing. Vowel pairs can be difficult for children to grasp – any […]
The fifth grade had a wonderful time today on our field trip. We saw the Mammal and Bird exhibits. The students spoke with the docents and participated in activities. We all enjoyed the Space Lab. In the museum store I was told how nice and respectful my class was. I’m so proud of them!
Dear Second Grade Families, Today we celebrate VALENTINE’S DAY with Valentine math, language arts, reading, bag decorating and a celebration. It will be fun. We are still receiving some mail from our flat people hosts and a few flat people have returned to Sacred Heart. Your child will be bringing home the board, envelope with […]
February 14, 2011 The students very much enjoyed the Gold Rush presentation last week. The history learned is in perfect timing of our upcoming social studies chapter on the Gold Rush. Today we have a Valentine party at 2:00. It is very hard to wait!! Thank you to our wonderful room moms who provide us […]
Dear Families, Happy Valentine’s Day! I wanted to thank everyone for all the wonderful Valentine gifts. It was so very thoughtful. This is going to be a very busy and fun week for the fifth grade class. This Wednesday we will be going on our field trip to the Santa Barbara Museum with the third […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy Valentine’s Day! We begin our day with an outreach program, namely, Mother Nature. We will learn about several animals in this area and their needs to survive. In the afternoon we will have our Valentine’s Day party. Our room moms do an amazing job of preparing for us–thank you ladies! Our academics […]
Dear Third Grade Parents and Families, Happy Valentine’s Day! Our class mailboxes were decorated Friday afternoon and are absolutely adorable. Now, we’re ready to fill them up with cards from our friends. Monday, we will celebrate with a variety of Valentine’s Day themed activities culminating in our class party. Thank you in advance to the […]
Dear Parents, February 14, 2011 Happy Valentine’s Day! We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day today in language arts with a writing activity (check your red folder tonight!), in math with candy hearts, and this afternoon with a party! Our reading strategy this week is predict/infer and the comprehension skill that will help with that strategy […]
We spoke earlier today about the middle school field trip tomorrow to the Thousand Oaks Civic Plaza to see a play about Jackie Robinson. We are also looking forward to our School Fair which is March 2nd at 6:30 p.m. We hope you can come and see all of our projects, which we have been […]