At Sacred Heart, every month we focus on a different saint and his/her life. Since the beginning of the school year we have focused upon Saints Augustine, Teresa of Lisieux, Benedict, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Blessed Juan Diego, and currently Saint Ignatius. Saint Ignatius lived during the time of the Roman persecution of Christians. He died […]
Tomorrow the middle school will be going to see the play “Most Valuable Player”. It is a flashback of the life of Jackie Robinson and all the hardships he faced to become the first black major league baseball player. What a perfect way for the middle school to celebrate Black History Month! Submitted by the […]
Our candy grams sale ended last Friday. It was a big success and we have a final count of just over 40 dozen candy grams that will be sent to service men and women at Walter Reed Army Hospital and to those serving in Afghanistan. We know each candy gram will bring a smile to […]
The boy’s sports season is in full swing. In the fall we played football and we made it into the playoffs but lost. We tried our best and we will try even harder next year. In basketball we are doing great; we are undefeated with a record of 3-0. We defeated St. Augustine for our […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Thank you for all your wishes and gifts of appreciation on Teacher Appreciation Day. The flowers are still beautiful and being enjoyed. I thank you for all of you. Thank you to those parents who were able to join us on Friday for Parents’ Day. Some of you stayed the entire […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a peaceful weekend. It was so nice to see so many parents on last Friday. We wish Tanushree good luck this Friday in the Spelling Bee. We also want to welcome back Aaron Gonzales. Below is an overview of our week. Math: We will begin adding and subtracting fractions. […]
Fourth Grade News, Week of February 7, 2011 I am happy that many of you were able to join us last Friday for Parents’ Day. I know the children enjoyed sharing their California map and facts projects with you. The Gold Rush is on! Tomorrow morning our science lab will be transformed into an 1849 […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, What a nice Parent’s Day on Friday! It was great to see so many parents and family members able to attend Mass and visit our class. Thank you for the flowers, cards and gift cards for Teacher Appreciation Day. I appreciate you and all you do in support for our school. This […]
Dear Third Grade Parents and Families, What a joy it was spending Friday morning with you! From both myself and the students of third grade: WE APPRECIATE YOU. Again, thank you for your support both in and outside the classroom as teaching and learning are shared responsibilities. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner so […]
Dear Parents, February 6, 2011 It was wonderful seeing so many of you at Parents Day. I hope you enjoyed your time with us. As promised while in the computer lab…here is the website we were working on: – Enjoy!! Remember, by the end of first grade students should know their facts to 20 […]