Dear Kindergarten families, We have had a wonderful year! Started on campus, made friends and learned a lot!I feel blessed you have entrusted me with your children. Check our website for summer homework coming near end of June. Keep their brain stimulated!! Always set aside time to read to and with your children. Hope all […]
Welcome to the last few days of 4th Grade! Here’s our short week in 4th grade… We will be playing math games, enjoying some almost summertime arts and crafts, seeing our buddies, and beginning to clean out our desks and classroom. There will not be any homework this week. I do ask that students bring their backpacks […]
Following the final assembly, we all move to the patio area, courts, and field to have more graduation events and a dance. Our DJ happily returns after a two year lay-off and is excited to host the Graduation Celebration and End of the School Year Dance for all grades K-8, their families, guests, and the […]
Following the SHS Theater Presentation, the afternoon celebration continues with the final assembly of the school year. After leading assemblies all school year, the 8th grade students lead their last. Following prayer and the flag salute, June and July birthdays are noted, next year’s Core Leaders are introduced, and students with Perfect Attendance are recognized. […]
First Grade Families- We are on our last few days of school but our routine continues with lots of fun! We have been able to write with a pen all day, bring our fluffy friend, no homework, bubbles and our 1st-grade Latte Cafe. This week brings more surprises with our countdown. Please continue to find […]
Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Petersen, and the 8th Grade are preparing for the Annual Field Day that begins their graduation celebration as various stations are set up for all “school families” to enjoy. This year the 8th Grade would like the families to sport the colors of their favorite ice cream! Please check the list below […]
I hope everyone enjoyed the long holiday weekend. There are several activities planned for these last few days of school. Please check the school newsletter and website for the dates and times of those events. ACADEMICS Reading: We continue reading books in series and share what we love about the books with our friends. Phonics: […]
Third grade families, I hope you all enjoyed the long Memorial Day weekend. We have been having so much fun with our balloon summer break countdown! So far we have Zoomed with our pen pals, had a fun chalk day in the sun, enjoyed reading at the 1st & 3rd Grade Cafe, and a frozen […]
I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend to celebrate Memorial Day! Here’s our week in 4th grade… Math: We are spending the rest of our time together focusing on variety of math concepts as we prepare for fifth grade and middle school! ELA: -Writing: We are celebrating the completion of our final writing unit! -Reading: […]
Excitement is in the air! There is lots of fun and learning as we finish this year in Kindergarten. I am proud of your children! This year they have learned to care for others through love and found joy with new friendships. Our remaining days will consist of academic review and games 🙂 Our Academic […]