We will have class Monday – Wednesday of this week following our same class schedule. Our short onlineweek in 4thgrade… Again, I ask that you remind your student not to go ahead with either classwork or homework. This is my goal for the week and we may or may not get to all of these lessons/activities. Math: […]
Third grade families, Our class continues to do such an amazing job online! This week is a short week. No online school Thursday and Friday. We will resume Monday, April 13th. Sneak Peek to our Online Academic Week Math: This week we will continue to work with multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit. Then, we […]
AS 7th grade continues their study of the Renaissance, we are learning about the many architectural feats accomplished during the 16th century. The class viewed many magnificent churches and structures from that time period. Then each student designed a building with the 3 elements of architecture; function, form and aesthetics. There were many clever ideas […]
Our onlineweek in 4thgrade… Again, I ask that you remind your student not to go ahead with either classwork or homework. This is my goal for the week and we may or may not get to all of these lessons/activities. Math: We are beginning our first online lessons. We will look at comparing fractions and probability this […]
Third grade families, We continue hard at work online! At the bottom of the newsletter you will find assignments for the week. Remember, assignments are subject to change. These assignments will be assigned to your child before logging off of Zoom each day! 🙂 Sneak Peek to our Remote Learning Week Math: We begin Unit […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, While we are at home learning…our Kindergarten backyard sunflowers begin to bloom. It is a nice visual for me! It is as nice as seeing your children do classwork on the screen. 🙂 Thank you parents/grandparents/family friends for all your help getting the kiddos used to the ins and outs of Zoom. […]
The 7th grade spent time this week reflecting on using the Fruits of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 to help us on our Lenten journey. Indeed many of the fruits, joy, patience, and faithfulness are much needed now!
The Class of 2020 is starting their Civil War unit. Today in online class we watched the Brainpop on Frederick Douglas. As an escaped slave he went on to be an inspiring public speaker, champion for rights of all people, newspaper editor, and best selling author. The students completed a worksheet on his accomplishments and […]
Our online week in 4thgrade… Our plan is to do as much as we can as we learn how to use our online platforms! We are going to go a bit slow this week as we get the hang of things and then hopefully be full steam ahead next week. You will see that I have restructured […]
The 6th grade is concluding their study on Ancient Egypt. We learned how they lived, worked, ruled, and believed in an afterlife. The class realized all the power and perks of being Pharaoh but also the responsibility and consequences if it did not go well! Next up we travel to Ancient Greece for a fun […]