Dear Families, I hope you enjoyed the long weekend. This is a short week for us. Friday is Parents’ Day and a noon dismissal . Please join us for Mass at 8:30. Below please see an overview of the week: Math: We are comparing and ordering fractions. Science: We are taking our chapter test on […]
Third grade families, I hope you all had a restful weekend! I look forward to seeing you all this week for Parent’s Day! Important dates- Friday, January 24th– noon dismissal & Parent’s Day. We will meet you in church at 8:30a! Sunday, January 26th– Open House, from 12-2p. Please invite any prospective families to come […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Friday is Parent’s Day! Please come join us. We start the day with Mass. Parents are invited to a reception in Biedermann Hall while children have recess. Then classroom visits begin. Please check website for additional details. Parents day is the beginning of the celebration of Catholic Schools Week. Open House on […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We enjoyed reading the book responses Thursday! Your children are doing a fabulous job. Continue that wonderful reading habit! This coming week, do a book response with their library book or a favorite book from home. Martin Luther King, Jr. message of equality, freedom, justice and love is so important! Please help […]
Seventh grade has been studying cells. After the holidays we reviewed animal and plant cells and some of the structures inside cells through participating in an escape room. The students break into groups of 4 or 5 and run through a series of puzzles, analyzing the “clue” and then answering the question posed in each […]
Dear 1st Grade Families, Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to meet last week for conferences. HOMEWORK Fluency Math IXL E.3. and M.2 Language IXL FF.2 Reading Log: Reading Log is 20 minutes a day. I have added the BOOK REPORT worksheet to this week’s assignment. You may count the […]
The 6th grade class has been studying Ancient India and the Indus Valley. As we conclude our lessons on the geography, Hinduism, Caste System and the culture we read a story about a boy going to the market with his dad who made beads. We wrote an essay about going to the market using our […]
Hello Second Grade Families, It was a pleasure getting to chat with each of you over this last week. Thank you for taking the time to meet, discuss and plan. Your steadfast commitment to your child’s education is to be admired. In class this week, we’ll be working on the following: Math: We will finish […]
Third grade families, We are back in our routine! It was nice talking with you all last week. I am so proud of the progress all students have made so far! A few important dates- Friday, January 17th– noon dismissal Monday, January 20th– NO school, Martin Luther King Jr. Day Friday, January 24th– noon dismissal […]
Your children are responding well to our SLE Primary Promises. This week our focus is A.2 Pray everyday and go to Mass