Welcome back and Happy New Year! Hope everyone shared a blessed Christmas Day together along with a fun, relaxing, and restful vacation time with family and friends. Short days Wednesday thru Friday this week will accommodate the conference schedule. EDC is available beginning at 11:30. Religion – the birth of Jesus and the journey of […]
Dear 1st Grade Families, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! This week will be lots of reviewing in all subjects along with some fun activities. Our week will end on Thursday (half day) with a little celebration. Our first and second graders will enjoy some fun games together on Thursday. We will end […]
Third grade families, With Christmas fast approaching, we will spend this week tying up loose ends and reviewing concepts across all subject areas! NO homework during the break. Cozying up with a good book is a great idea! Important Dates: Thursday, December 19th half day & free (free) dress day! Friday, December 20th NO school & the […]
The primary children enjoyed creating Christmas crafts on Friday. Each primary class has a holiday related project. Look at their sample of angels, reindeer, and painted Christmas trees. Thank you parents, family, and friends who were able to help us!!
Dear Families, This Thursday is a Free Dress day with no cost. Thursday is also a noon dismissal. I hope all families have a peaceful Christmas and wonderful vacation. We will resume school on January 6th. Below is an overview of our week. We will not have any IXL sections this week. Religion: We continue […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, The third week of Advent is here! We will light the Candle of Joy. We reflect and prepare our hearts with hope, peace, joy and love. Our main academic focus will be the true meaning of Christmas. Events and academics during the last week of school for 2019! Monday we will work […]
In the Science Lab 5th grade studied the different components of blood. We then visualized the different components using candy red hots, tic tacs, candy sprinkles, and corn syrup.
Students had to design an aqueduct system with clay that would allow the water to flow from one “reservoir” to the next. After students designed their aqueduct they were able to test it by pouring water through it.
We have been focusing in 5th grade about the real meaning of Christmas and looking into our hearts to get ready for Jesus coming to us.
The 8th grade class leads the school community each week in an Advent prayer service. They read prayers, Bible readings and the Gospel. We also have our students lead us in singing beautiful hymns like O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. The candles are lit for all to see and reflect on the coming of Jesus.