This week in 4th grade we are preparing to learn the Angelus. This is a prayer that commemorates the Incarnation and is part of our standards for fourth grade. We made beautiful holy cards to help us learn the Angelus as we say it each day before recess. Below are some of our beautiful images […]
During the 8th grade year we will study the life of Jesus and the Gospels in depth. To begin this exploration we compare the 4 Gospel writers points of view, audience, style of writing, and message. Our goal is to incorporate the Gospel values and messages into our daily life. (SLEA4)
Third grade families, Happy September! We continue to work hard and steady in third grade! I am proud of all the great work we have been producing so far. Important dates- Wednesday, September 4th- picture day! Friday, September 6th- grandparents & half day Homework this week (due next Tuesday)- READO/100 minutes of reading per week […]
NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: It was wonderful to see so many of you at Back to School! This week’s homework will only be the reading log. As I mentioned at BTS, homework will be gradually increasing in the next few weeks. Also, I will be sending an email tomorrow to make sure everyone is on […]
Dear Families, It was very nice to see everyone at Back to School Night. As the weather starts to warm up please make sure to send plenty of water to school with your student. This Friday is a noon dismissal. There is no school next Monday, September 2nd for observance of Labor Day. Picture Day […]
Hello Second Grade Families, This week we continue to build stamina, create routines and get to know each other. As a reminder, take a moment to check your child’s planner every evening for important notes and notices. Below you will find a general overview of our plans for the week: Math: We continue with Unit […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working from Unit 1: Naming and Constructing Geometric Figures. This week we are focusing on reviewing polygons and constructing circles. ELA: -Writing: We are beginning our realistic fiction writing this week. -Reading: Our Reading Response Journals are due for the first time this week! If you have any […]
Hello Kindergarten Families! Your children are adjusting to school well and building stamina. It is nice to see friendships starting to form as we work and play together. This week we have a noon dismissal on Friday to start the 3-day weekend for Labor Day. Looking ahead – Friday, September 6 is Grandparent’s Day. Please […]
Reading each night is quality time spent with your child. Listening to stories read from parents or family members helps children to succeed by increasing vocabulary, develop language skills, exercises brain activity, helps with concentration, develops imagination and creativity and the list goes on. Such a great habit to have! click here for more info […]
Our 7th and 8th know! Students worked in groups of 4 to complete an activity highlighting numbers 1 – 100 in order. Our first attempts did not score well even though we were trying and helping each other. Until…a pattern was noticed…and strategies suggested. Next attempts were much better. What does good group work look […]