Dear Kindergarten Families,
I truly enjoyed talking to all of you during parent conference. Thank you for coming in and discussing your child’s accomplishments through the first trimester.
This week will certainly go by quickly as we near our Christmas Vacation. Thursday we will all attend Mass in the morning and have our Christmas party after recess. Please do not forget the book exchange, part of our party! Have your child sign the book on the inside cover. Wrap it “from Secret Santa” please to not address it “To anyone” we will do our exchange secretly……
Our Christmas Program is on Wednesday night at 7:00 please be here at 6:45. We will meet in the room to the right of the main entrance to Biedermann Hall. Your children are very excited to be on stage performing for their families.
As we discussed during conference, I will attach links to the computer programs we are working on in class and in the lab. Look for my letter later this week.
Thank you for your children!
Carol Brown