A busy week ahead!
Your children are busy working academically and practicing for the Christmas Program. Progress Reports come home tomorrow, keep for your records, we ask you return the envelope signed. Please review their progress, any questions can be answered during our conference later this week.
More Teddy Bears and other plush animals than I ever remember filled the risers on the stage! Thank you for your generosity and support for the Adopt-A-Family mission program.
Religion continues with reading how to always care and love others as we await the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
Phonics with an emphasis on vowels, beginning consonants and rhyming words continue this week. Reading workshop follows with work on sounds and sight words. Print practice sentence building each morning. In groups and we continue reading how animals and plants survive during the cold of winter.
Math focus – working with double digit numbers, recognizing place value, simple addition word stories.
Since we are conferencing this week, W-Th-F school dismissal is at 11:30. EDC is available at dismissal and during conferencing. It will be nice to visit with you this week!
Any questions? As always feel free to send an email.
Mrs. Brown