Once a month, the middle school classes of Sacred Heart School gather together to work on projects for the school which are called department meetings. They are run by the 8th grade vice presidents (the kids who ran for office but lost the election) and consist of a Social, Service, and Spirituality group. The 8th grade VP’s are assigned kids from middle school classes and all the projects that should be completed. They then split the kids into different groups to work on the given assignments. The 8th grade core leaders walk around to each group to make sure everything is running smoothly or to help if need be.

The Social department is usually held in the 8th grade classroom and is chaperoned by Mrs. Heidi Manning. The projects usually worked on have to do with being socially connected to the school. The members work on posters to be hung in the classrooms or around the school. During the first department meeting of the 2018-2019 school year, the kids worked on ambo and welcome posters. “Everyone stayed focused, and we got most of the work done,” said Nathan, one of the VP’s leading the Social department. “It takes a lot of leadership skills to handle taking care of a bunch of middle school kids and get everything done.”

The Service department is usually held in the 7th grade classroom and is chaperoned by Mrs. Sarah Gaither. The projects usually assigned are associated with the service of the school and church. The members work on posters and any other work that needs to be accomplished. On the first department meeting, the kids worked on virtue and recycle posters. “It was a good learning experience, leading and taking charge,” said Sierra, one of the VP’s leading the Service department.

The Spirituality department is usually held in the computer lab and is chaperoned by Mrs. Allyson Clemmensen. The projects usually designated to this group are related to the mass, such as finding introductions to the upcoming masses, prayers, information of the Saint of the Month, and other religious readings that the 8th grade presents. On the first department meeting, the kids worked on different readings for Grandparents Day, including an introduction welcoming grandparents, petitions for grandparents, and a communion reflection asking God to watch over all grandparents. “It went well. The leaders were able to keep everything under control and get the work done,” said Damian, the 8th grade Secretary of Sacred Heart School.

Department meetings are a way to get the middle school kids to work cohesively and get involved with their school. Each department meeting is an opportunity for the 8th graders to develop their leadership skills and the other kids to accomplish their assignments as a middle school community.

