Dear Families,

On Tuesday Progress Reports are going home. Please sign and return by Friday. This Friday is our classroom Valentine exchange and a noon dismissal. Friday is also a “free” free dress day for Valentine’s Day. There is no school on Monday for Presidents Day. If your child is bringing Valentine’s Day cards please make sure there is one for everyone. There are 16 students in the class. Please do not send gifts for their buddies. We will be making them cards in class. Below please see an overview of our week.

Religion: Holy Orders is a Sacrament of Service.

Social Studies: This week we are practicing using parallel time lines and interpreting the relationships in European settlements in the Americas.

Math: We are using calculators to convert fractions to percents.

Science: Clouds form and release precipitation as rain, sow, sleet and hail.

Word Work: Students will be taking their spelling test this Thursday.

ELA: Students are working on their final drafts for Westward Expansion.

Vocabulary: Unit 8

Grammar: Using conjunctive adverbs.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Ms. Carney
