Dear Kindergarten Families,

It looks as supplies are in and we are ready to begin our week! We will take plenty of time with routine and play.

This week we will be in school all day! Dismissal at 2:45 all week. Some of your children may need to attend EDC, please talk with your child and send me an email.

We will need a snack, a lunch and a water bottle. You may be ordering from our catered lunch program, if so a snack is still needed for the 10:00 nutrition break.

Our academic week:

Our lessons begin with looking through our Religion text, chapter one: Jesus welcomed the little children. We welcome each other to school and get to know each other and all our names.

Language arts work is with printing, name games, alphabet fun, reading for fun, writing/drawing about our summer vacation.

Math finds us comparing and measuring, introducing pattern blocks and lots of counting!

Music on Monday and Wednesday! Science lesson on Tuesday and Social studies discussing rules and occupations.

Special activity on Friday with more information coming on
Wednesday evening during Back to School Night at 6:30 – meet in the quad area.

Blessings to you and your family,

Mrs. Brown
