Hello Families!
I hope your Easter Break was all you hoped it would be! On Monday, we have activities planned to learn more about the solar eclipse that will be happening. We also will be continuing our unit on money. We will be learning about dimes and quarters this week. We will also extend this into our addition and subtraction concepts by learning how to make change and ways to make a target number. Example: The target number is 36. Show me using addition and/or subtraction, various ways to equal 36.
In our literature time, we will begin our “Fact or Opinion” reading focus. This coincides with learning to write an opinion and use details. In Religion, we will celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection and the importance of the next 50 days in the Catholic liturgical calendar.
Monday: Solar eclipse! Schedules for morning recess and lunch will be modified. (See Mrs. Benner’s email for more information.
Tuesday: PE
Wednesday: Art
Wednesday: Homework folder sent home
Thursday: PE
Friday: 2pm dismissal

Have a great week!
Mrs. Driscoll