This will be a short week with Thanksgiving on Thursday.  We do have an early dismissal on Wednesday with Mass in the morning. I hope you all enjoy making some wonderful memories on this Thanksgiving weekend.  I am truly thankful for my students and families this year.  Blessings!


Reading for fun will be this week’s homework.  I am not assigning any homework this week.  Please enjoy time with family and friends.



Language Arts:

WORD DETECTIVES for reading: We have been sworn in as word detectives in1st grade.  We have promised to read our words carefully and use as many skills for work reading as possible.  We continue to learn snap words (sight words) and adding them to our word wall in class.  I have started reading assessments. Please continue to read and having your child read to you daily.

In writing, we continue making sure our word wall words are spelled correctly such as have, was, like, they and when.  We are practicing writing sentences using a capital letter to begin and adding a punctuation mark at the end.  Students have started writing their own sentences on whiteboards and identifying if it’s a statement, question mark, or exclamatory sentence. 🙂

Math: We are practicing coutning by 2’s and adding a dime to the mix of counting money.  We are investigating the pattern of 3’s (3, 6, 9, 12, 15…).

Religion: Baptism/Please talk about the time your child was baptized and who their godparents are since we will be discussing this in class upon their return.  If your child has not been baptised, you may reference a baptism you have attended. 🙂

Science: Last week, we discussed why trees do not blow down in the wind.  This week, we will begin lights and sounds units.  We will learn about vibrations.

Social Studies:  We finished another unit in Social Studies.  We will review leaders, how communities change, and what you can find in a community.


  • Wednesday:  Mass at 8:30 and Noon Dismissal
  • December 4th:  Progress Reports go out.  Conferences will be in January this year.
  • December 5th is Teddy Bear day.  During your shopping this weekend, please be on a look out for Teddy Bears.  Every year at SHS, we donate small Teddy Bears to Adopt-A-Family.  Each child brings in a new teddy bear and on December 5th we have Monsignor come to our school and collect them.  Your child may bring in their Teddy Bear to donate on December 3rd.

Please send me an email with any questions.


Mrs. Perez-Vazquez
