HOMEWORK: DUE by Thursday due to the three day weekend.
Math Worksheets: I have sent two worksheets for kids to work on Input and Output tables. This is a little more challenging than what is expected in 1st grade but they LOVE the challenge. We will resume our regular IXL activities next week. You are more than welcome to continue using the IXL even when I don’t give an assignment.
Reading Log: Reading log this week with a nonfiction book report. If you do not have a nonfiction book at home send me an email. Your child can borrow one from our classroom library or you can visit your local library to check one out. 🙂
Spelling Test: Spelling Test will be on Friday unless noted in their planner for a different day.
Language Arts
Grammar/Writing: We are using a rubric to check our writing.
Reading/Phonics: In phonics, we will are learning to read word parts like -ash, -ick, -ank, and -est. No need to sound out when you know the word part.
In reading, we are reading and learning new vocabulary. We continue to repeat what new information we have learned and write about it.
Wednesday: Reader’s Theatre
Math: Please review the math test sent home yesterday. We have started our new unit this week. This unit includes addition facts, fact families, equivalent names, using centimeters as a unit of measure, quarters, and collecting data. We will begin with addition facts and finding equivalent names for numbers this week.
Science: We will be using compasses this week. We will also review the concepts that were introduced in the last couple of weeks (seasons, shadows, stars, sun).
Art: We are adding to our collection of art for our school fair next Wednesday.
Religion: We began our new prayer journals this week & will be writing our prayer outdoors. We will also be getting our weekly visit by our seminarians on Thursday.
- Library books are due every Tuesday. Students are allowed to check out two books only if books are returned.
- Progress Reports: As I mentioned in my email, I can meet with you if you have any questions or would like any ideas of how to academically support your child at home. I’m available after school or early morning.
- Free “FREE” Dress on Valentine’s Day with a NOON dismissal. 🙂
- Bring in Valentine Cards for every student on Friday.
If you have any questions, please send me an email.
Mrs. Veronica Perez-Vazquez