First Grade Families-

I cannot believe that this is our last week of October! Thank you for all coming to the conferences the last few weeks. I appreciate all the work you do at home and the support you provide to make their education a success.

Weekly Homework 

Homework due EVERY Tuesday:

Reading Challenge: Read 20 minutes a day. Students may color in at least one spider a day. This is our last October challenge with spiders. Next week, will we see acorns or pumpkins? Hmmm…..

Math IXL: E.1 , E.2, N.1

All three skills for IXL are due on Tuesday.

Fluency Homework: Please make sure you do fluency througout the week.  

Word Work: Review sounds or words.

Sneak Peek to our Academic Week 

Word Work: Review spelling patterns from their word sort.

Reading/Phonics:  I’m amazed at all the hard work the students are doing during their reading groups.

We are working on word attack (sounding out words), identifying sight words before reading, reading and rereading books.

Writing/Grammar: Our focus this week will be writing sentences (spaces, using sight words, punctuation marks).

 Math: Double facts and telling time to the hour are our focus this week. 1+1, …..12+12. We are learning a double fact song and learning the pattern of double facts.

Skip counting by 2’s and 100’s will be our review this week along with place value and counting base ten blocks.

Religion: Our discussion this week will be about Baptism.  

Science: Last week, we investigated Pumpkins. We continued reading a book to learn a few more facts about pumpkins. This week we will have our first Live Virtual Field Trip on Wednesday with the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Ask your child tomorrow about what they learned on our field trip.

 Art: We made a ghost using pastels and construction paper. Check it out! You will find it in their homework folder. Last week we made a Frankendude. I will be keeping those for our end of year art exhibit. I will have them post their Frankendude on Seesaw.


  • Homework due Tuesday
  • Library books due on Tuesday
  • Tattoos on Wednesday
  • Friday: Free free dress with a noon dismissal
  • Monday: Nov. 1st Mass 8:30a.m.

If you have any questions, please send me an email. 


Mrs. Vazquez
