Weekly Homework 

Homework due EVERY Tuesday

Fluency: Fluency  

Reading Challenge: March Challenge (Read 20 min. a day). Please use the planner or email to communicate any reading success at home. Kids love to hear you share positive success’ at home with me. 

Math IXL: Q.10, Q.7, and R.1 

Sneak Peek to our Academic Week 

Word Work: Please review spelling patterns during the week.  

Reading: It’s all about quotation marks. While reading at home, have your child look for quotation marks before starting to read. We are working on identifying the main idea, rereading to remember information, self-correcting, asking questions while reading, and summarizing a book.

Writing/Grammar:  We are all about adjectives in first grade! It was the best lesson according to my first graders. It’s all about edible academics to peak their interest. We were able to come up with lots of adjectives while eating popcorn. These next two days we will have a few more things to describe (lemon and a special treat on Thursday). If you are able to attend our event on March 18th, I will ask that you add three more adjectives to their self-portraits. 

We are working on checking a few things in our sentences such as capital letter, spaces between words, and punctuation marks at the end. 

Math:  We will take out math test next week. This week we have been completing some assessments for math.  

Religion: Learning about fasting was the most difficult. Kids couldn’t believe you can refrain from video games for even a day. I encourage you to take one evening without technology and enjoy a walk around the neighborhood or a board game. We will be attending stations of the cross every Wednesday at 2:15. 

Science: We will continue making a few more flowers so the kids can showcase their results about why flowers bloom. 🙂  


  • Homework is due Tuesday. 
  • Thursday: Wear P.E. uniform but you can accessories it with green. 🙂
  • Friday: 12 pm Dismissal
  • Friday: I can’t wait to see you on Friday for our Sacred Heart Showcase and Sweets.


If you have any questions, please send me an email. 


Mrs. Vazquez
