Dear Fourth Grade Families,

Here is our week in 4thgrade…

Math: We are continuing on with Unit 3! This week we continue to focus on multiplication facts but will also take a world tour to Africa to learn some facts about Egypt!


-Writing: We are continuing our realistic fiction writing. This week we continue to discuss how best to revise our drafts as we look at our writing through different lenses.

-Reading: Remember to keep up with our Reading Response Journals! If you have any questions please contact me. Remember nightly homework is to read 20-30 minutes!

-Vocabulary: We are on our first week of Unit 5. Remember that these words are available on for practice.

-Spelling: We are working from Unit 9. Again, we have 25 words written in our daily planners but we will only be tested on 20. We will be taking our test later this week. Remember that these words are also available on

Social Studies:We are continuing to discuss and learn about the Gold Rush! And boy, are we having fun! By the end of the week, we will begin our lessons on how California became a state!

Science:We will head into the science lab this week for a group experiment. We aim to review this week before our test early next week!

Religion:We begin our eighth chapter in our religion books: God Gave us Laws for Living (The Ten Commandments). Remember to check our website on Wednesday afternoons for “Worship Wednesday” to see a bit of what we are doing in our classroom!



Monday: Math Worksheet – Reading Response Journals

Tuesday: IXL Math Skill D.5 – Reading Response Journals

Wednesday: Math Worksheet – Reading Response Journals

Thursday: IXL Math Skill D.1 – Study for Spelling Test


School Notices:

-Wednesday is library day!

-Wednesday is $1 Free Dress Day!

-Thursday we will practice an Earthquake drill as part of our participation within the Great Shake Out. Please use this drill as a time to ensure you are on our emergency contact list.

-Friday is a noon dismissal and school-wide centers!


If you have not contacted me to schedule a conference before my maternity leave, please do so soon! Time is running out! 🙂


Have a great week!

Mrs. Basamanowicz
