This week we are busy finishing book reports, science chapter 8, social studies chapter 6, math chapter 6, and English unit 7. Wow!! I am going to space the tests and quizzes as follows:
Thursday, February 9th: Adjective quiz
Friday, February 10, Science test ch. 8
Tuesday, February 14, Ch. 6 Math test
Wednesday, February 15, Social Studies ch. 6 test
Next Thursday, February 16th, we have an “in school field trip.” A group will come to school to give us a demonstration of what it would have been like to live during the California Gold Rush. There is a seven dollar per student charge for this presentation. Please send $7 to school on or before that date.
Please make sure your children are reviewing the necessary information for the upcoming quiz and tests. Please email me if you have any questions.
Mrs. Sharon Redmond