The Eighth Graders led their families in a beautiful Earth Day Project over the last two weeks.  They led their families in a discussion of our Schoolwide Learning Expectations that focus on taking care of God’s world and participating in various modes of prayer. Then they helped each family member trace a template onto construction paper to form the pages of a prayer book.  These were all stapled together and then a beautiful prayer was added. Families ended on Friday with everyone reading the prayer together:

An Earth Day Prayer

We give you thanks and praise, O God of creation, for the grandeur of all that you have made,

For the healing waters of creation, which bring pleasure and health, purity and life,

For the richness of the good earth that brings forth fruits and flowers; a pleasure to taste and a joy to behold.

For the soaring birds of the air, the crawling creatures on the earth,

For the gliding fishes in the seas, for all creatures great and small with whom we share this precious web of life.

For the invigorating sunlight of day, the deepening mystery of night, the wonder of stars and the call of the unknown in the universe,

For all of these gifts, we thank you God.   Amen.
