Dear Kindergarten families,

We are really moving along with ixl language arts and math! As always spend plenty of time reading. I should see several books, chapters, or pages read during a weeks time. As you read with your child stop to ask questions as you read through the pages. Retelling the story and/or  noting important details for good comprehension. Respond with one of the book report forms below. Use the reading log or list books in Reading Glue.

reading log 1-20

story map


I am adding a couple of ixl language arts and math sections as a requirement for homework.  My expectations is to visit and learn – about 10 0r 15 minutes when computer time is available.

Although they are excellent for learning, extra sites are not required for homework.



D.1 correct word spacing

F.1 Sort consonants and vowels

Review counting with a tens frame and tally marks

C.17 Count to fill a tens frame

D.8 Tally Marks up to 20 

D.8 could be a challenge if so try  C.18

Extra sites:

World Book Web a great resource

Storyline Online has posted new books


Snowman story

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Carol Brown
