Dear Kindergarten Families,

In your child’s homework folder you will find their foot cut out with a home connection math paper. Help your child to measure around the house using the non standard foot print. Measure and compare size difference with a family member. The measurement paper is for home reference. Download and print math paper below:

Add a Little Color

Continue to read each night and color in shamrock on reading form. Select a book and do a book response. Please have your child do all the printing.

Book Response

Book Response, math paper “Add a Little Color” and IXL are required homework – complete and return 3/15.

IXL Math

D.16  Count Tens and Ones

J.7 Write Addition sentences

IXL Language Arts

I. 7 Complete the short e word

Extra educational sites (these are fun but not required)


Storyline Online

Shell Game

Starfall calendar

Enjoy your weekend – cozy up and read a few good books!

Mrs. Brown



