Dear Kindergarten Families,

Last week’s animal report and sight word sentences are quality work. I can hardly wait to read them with the class!

The Young Explorer magazine is coming home in the red homework folder. This is for your child to read and keep at home. Read nightly and list books and magazines on reading log. Spend time to discuss events in the story or informational text to promote good comprehension skills.


Much of our phonics is sounding out simple words at this point. Have your child use the Short-Vowel Word Families paper to sort pictures and words that fall under the headers of ‘fan’ and ‘pin’. They know how to sort and glue we do this weekly. Have your child sound out each letter to segment and blend words.

short vowel-word families

A mystery picture for math. Use columns and rows to help (if needed) your child find higher numbers.

mystery pic #23


K.3 Subtract numbers up to 5

K.4 Complete the subtraction sentence up to 5

I.11 Complete the short /i/ words

Extra sites:

Construct a Word

Construct a word is a student interactive practice for building words- to get started just type in name  – choose word ending to enrich with worksheet choose ‘an’ and ‘in’.

Starfall Every Day is Earth Day

Storyline Online

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Brown

