Dear Kindergarten Parents,

As we prepare for our School Fair in March, we will be using the World Book Web found on our school website. You can find it easily on the right side of the home page.

World Book Kids

User name and passwords will be sent home in this week’s red homework folder. I would like for you and your child to explore this great resource. We will research animals and plants inhabiting geographical areas on the land form project. Look into the ‘games and activities’ for puzzles and other activities.

This week’s homework has one practice math paper and two challenge papers. A couple of phonics worksheets to review beginning consonant sounds. Below are the links for the reading/web log and all papers.

Reading/Web Log

Sort by Number (practice)

Sort by Number (challenge)

Ordering Numbers to 12

b, d, f, t

Beginning Letter review


World Book Web

Busy Day


Please return all worksheets and sign the reading web log next Thursday in the Red Folder.

Enjoy your weekend!
