Homework for this week will be shortened as I appreciate all the great work your children are doing. This goes right along with Catholic Schools Week!
In your child’s red homework folder, you will find a booklet from our reading series, Go, Cat!
Have your child read this book to you, helping with words, if needed. Work on the sound of short /a/ and the ‘an’ and ‘at’ family words and sight word, go.
The last pages are blank. Use this area and have your child write a complete sentence or sentences, “I like to see ________.” “______ ran.” I like to see ______.” “______ sat.” With their best effort, color that animal’s page.
One more request for homework, please purchase a small bag of soil. We will be planting our sunflowers in a gallon size container on Ash Wednesday.
Nightly reading is important -please download log-print and list books. Return with booklet, Go, Cat! Thursday, February 10.
For math skills click below for a ‘geoboard’ frame–grab band, hold on pin then drag across the board to make a shape or design. Click on color first, when bands are stretched shape will show selected color. Favorite sites Starfall and Curious George are linked for easy access. List on log- Thank you for the feedback regarding the websites.
Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. Carol Brown