Dear Kindergarten Parents,

I want to thank all who were able to come to our annual At Back to School Night.

Homework for this upcoming week is the My “Me” Cube along  with the reading / web log.  I have several cubes left, if you did not pick one up last night, please send me an email and I will send it home Friday or on Tuesday. Parents who were not able to attend the meeting, I will send one home for your child in Friday’s red homework folder. This is a fun project. The kids are proud to show and tell about themselves and their family. It will be for your child to keep after we use it to get to know each other. Return the reading / web log on Thursday, September 6 and the cube if it is finished.

Read each night with your child, if they are beginning to read, have them read to you. As your child reads have them track each word with their finger. In class we count starting at 0 to 30. Then  by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s to 30 and  count to 100 by 10’s. I included three counting web links to reinforce this skill at home.

Below is the reading/web log

Reading / Web Log



Bug Catcher

Counting by Ones

Counting by Tens

Enjoy the three day holiday!

Mrs. Carol Brown
