Cozy up with a good book!

Dear Kindergarten Families,
  • Read each night, use the book response to retell a favorite book.
  • Car Tally paper – look at home, neighborhood or a parking log and record with tally marks the most popular car color.
  • Cut words/pictures sorts. Work with your child on beginning sounds – glue last weeks sorts on a paper or in spiral notebook. Keep new sorts in the envelope at home to continue sorting practice. We will test on new lists next week.
  • Practice skills in IXL linked below:

J.3 Add two number sums up to ten

J. 8 Addition word problems

I am seeing a few trouble spots for some children with these math skills – E.4 identifying numbers on the 100 grid, E.9 counting blocks and C.13 identifying more and less. If you have noticed your child is struggling in these areas please do some more practice.

CC.1 Is it a telling sentence or an asking sentence?

CC. 2 Identify and use end marks

Enjoy the 3-day weekend! ~ Mrs. Brown
