3rd Grade- Students are learning the language of music by studying western music notation.  This includes whole notes, half notes, quarter notes and eighth notes.  Students are also creating their very own rhythms using their recently discovered understanding of rhythmic values.

4th Grade-Students are already deep into learning the soprano recorder.  They are achieving success very quickly and Christmas carrols are just around the corner!  Look forward to that.  Students should practice their recorder every night at home.  Practicing in front of a family member is even better as it forces the player to entertain as they practice.

5th Grade-Students are nearing their first performance test on the keyboard.  Each student has been working on Ode To Joy in class and starting next week, students will perform the song as a soloist for their classmates.  Please encourage your child to practice Ode To Joy at home.  If there is no keyboard to practice on, the silent keyboard that we created in class will work.
