Thank you to all family members who were able to come help for Primary Centers. Many thanks to moms and grandmas for helping to prepare at home. 🙂 I appreciate your continuing support.
One Hundred Day is on Wednesday!! Please use small baggies to bag items in increments of 5, or 10 maybe even 20 or 25. Staple or seal the bag to keep it a surprise! During math we will spend time guessing and checking our 100 day bags.
Wednesday is also a free dress! Cost is $1.00 – all proceeds go to the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Please support our 2nd trimester mission.
Morality and Social Justice — know that Jesus taught love by his example and story. We are reading how a shepherd loves and cares for his sheep. A craft to reinforce our learning.
Coming soon is Catholic Schools Week – we start with honoring parents!
- Parent’s Day on Friday, January 29
- Open House on Sunday, January 31
- Catholic Schools Week Monday, February 1-5
ELA- focus letter and sound /f/; review /g/ and /p/; short a; ending sounds /t/ and /n/; sight word work; reading strategy is to question, monitor and clarify and our comprehension focus is story structure. Continuing each week with reading informational text for science and social studies. Writing skills – “How to Books” (writing to teach information step by step).
EM- exploring the calculator; using dice to provide more experience with addition and subtraction, and fun with geometry-making shapes with string/yarn/ribbon to design and compare.
Science – continues with our five senses and animal senses.
Social studies – remembering Martin Luther King, Jr. A look at people and places in the world.
Friday is a full day of school – with a ‘School Family’ activity in the afternoon.
Enjoy your week!
Mrs. Carol Brown