Dear Kindergarten Families,
Here we go on to a New Year! As we start back to school, we welcome Jesus in our hearts. A new word to learn, Epiphany. Also the message of the Wise Men and the meaning of their gifts to Jesus.
Academics for the short week: our workshops will refresh our reading and writing strategies, rhymes, sight words, letter/sounds, sentence structure and punctuation.
Math skills to reviews patterns, use a calculator for reading and entering numbers, and graphing sums of dice.
Science: characteristics of insects and a look at our Peace Garden – it is time to harvest carrots and sugar snap peas!
Social studies: We will start talking about Martin Luther King Jr.
Grayson and Julian will celebrate their birthdays in January!
This Friday is a full day of school!
Homework will come home on Friday to be returned by Thursday of next week. I’ll be sending home a children’s National Geographic magazine with corresponding worksheets.
Mrs. Brown