Dear Kindergarten Families,
This Friday we welcome all parents to come and learn with us 🙂 !! Start the day at 8:30 for Mass, meet us at the church we sit on the right side of the church, first 10 pews. After Mass parents will have a short break for refreshments in the Hall and the students will have recess. An assembly in the quad area will follow, then come spend some time in our classroom!
Our religion lessons for the next couple of weeks is Faith, Knowledge, and Service; the theme for Catholic Schools Week. Next week is the celebration in which we focus on the value of our Catholic education and service to others.
ELA continues with reviewing letter/sounds of /g/ and /f/ and short vowel /a/. Our reading groups focus on segmenting and blending short CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, rhyming, and sight words. Reading strategy: categorize and classify, noting important details; story structure- characters and setting – beginning, middle and ending of stories read.
EM- finds us using addition and subtraction to solve simple story problems. Practicing math problems with calculators, comparing shapes sides and corners, practice number writing.
Learning about landforms and animal reports are in the beginning stages for our School Fair. Your students are enjoying the research project as they compare animals. Social studies has us looking at maps and peoples in other places.
Hearing screening is on Wednesday.
See you on Friday for Parent Appreciation Day!
Mrs. Carol Brown