Our last Primary Centers for this school year turned out great. I want to express my thanks for all who have helped us on Friday as well as throughout the school year. Your time in class and helping to prepare the crafts was much appreciated.
Our religion for the last two weeks of school will focus on the goodness of life. Life is the greatest gift from God. We already recognize how to care for all people with respect and love. This chapter will help us to understand that in heaven we will live forever in happiness with God. A continued review of our SLE’s. This week we will focus on C.3 the Golden Rule and C.5 being good leaders.
We are finishing up The World of Animals, Theme 10 in our reading series. Theme 10 covers the sound short vowel /u/ and word families ‘ug’ and ‘ut’. We are reviewing all vowel and consonant sounds, sentence structure, and sight words as we read and write each day. Your child’s practice reading book will come home next Thursday. You will see the growth from the first of the year to present. There are several pages we did not have time to finish–use in the summer for practice and review.
In math we are going to work on plane and solid shapes. We did some hands on work with shapes at the first of the year. It will be a fun way to finish up the last week or so. A look at symmetry with a simple art project and worksheet from our text. Math pages will also come home in a booklet for extra practice this summer.
This week we will have a flag assembly on Thursday, tomorrow a time to with families to make a gift for the 8th grade graduating class. Friday is a noon dismissal.
Summer birthdays we will be celebrated next week. Our July birthdays are Jovanna and Matthew.
Have a splendid week — God bless your families!
Mrs. Carol Brown