‘Lent is Good’ a time to grow, pray and do good deeds. Our focus: three ways we can grow spiritually. We will attend Mass at 8:30 on Wednesday for our ashes. Please join us if you schedule permits. Saint Joseph is our saint of the month. We will learn about him as well as Saint Patrick.
This week and month we will read, read, read! March 2 is Dr. Seuss’ birthday which starts “Read Across America”. This month we have an incentive for extra reading at home. Download and print the shamrock below-have your child write the name of the book and their name on the shamrock. Your child will cut out the shamrock and hang up in class. Each shamrock earns a ticket, a drawing at the end of the month. click here: Shamrock
One birthday this month, Savannah on March 8
ELA a review of letters /p/, /g/ and focus on letter/sound of /f/. Lots of practice with building words as we blend and segment. Working with CVC (cat) and sight words to make expanded funny rhyming sentences. This is a fun activity, like Dr. Seuss stories we will make up silly sentences.
EM section 5 activity 12 has us measuring with different tools. We will explore a measuring tape along with 12″ rulers. Backing up to section 5 activity 10 is called the Raft Game which works with groups of 5 reinforcing tally marks with craft sticks.
Science explores natural resources – namely water. Our rafts from math will serve as experiment next week to see how they float or sink depending on what we carry on the raft.
Social studies unit on National Symbols for this month of March.
Dismissal is at noon on Friday.
Have a nice week!
Mrs. Carol Brown