I hope everyone enjoyed this weekend – starting to feel like fall in Ventura!
We have an educational and fun program presented by the City of Ventura’s Interpretative Outreach called Marla the Mermaid. This program emphasizes ocean animals with artifacts, puppets, songs, and information to care for our ocean. Be sure to ask your child what they learned from Marla.
This week we celebrate Paloma’s birthday on Thursday.
Religion lessons have been centered with worship as we have been practicing quiet hearts for prayer and listening to God. This week we will continue listening and learning about several saints.
On Wednesday at 2:00, the Living Rosary will be presented by the 8th grade class. As we do in Mass, we will sit with our 4th grade buddies. Please join us if your schedule permits.
**Picture retake is on Wednesday. If your child was absent last month or you want to have them retake school pictures, please send back the first package.
ELA- Theme 3 will focus on blending and segmenting simple CVC words; initial letter sounds: Tt, Bb, and Nn. Reading strategies to evaluate; predict/infer; and summarize. Comprehension skills: characters, settings, and drawing conclusions. As you read with your child at home use strategies and comprehension skills as a reinforcement. This week an assessment of skills learned in Themes 1 & 2.
EM- math lessons find us working with teen numbers; counting by ones to 100; by 10’s to 100 and counting back by 10’s; estimation skills with objects; and number stories.
Science- continuing with animals and their needs, coverings and habitats.
Social studies-focus on time; people and their needs – during past, present, and thinking about future.
Halloween tattoos will be sold for $1.00 as part of our mission efforts for Adopt-a-Family. Your child can buy several, but only 2 will be applied to their hands- the rest will be fun for home! We will start collecting monies this week.
Friday is a full day with a family activity in the afternoon.
This should take us through the week!
Mrs. Carol Brown