Dear Kindergarten Families,

Each year at SHS we follow our tradition of giving to Adopt-A-Families mission in the Los Angeles area. Monies from free dress days and Teddy Bear Day contribute to this effort.  Teddy Bear day is Tuesday, December 2, right after the Thanksgiving Holiday. I am encouraging all families to bring in any type of new plush animal or a teddy bear this week!

Your children enjoyed last weeks field trip. It was a fun, educational, and interesting to see Anacapa Island, and to interact with Ranger Kelly. We will be following up with a writing and an art project.

video clip of the K presentation:  Ranger Robbie

This Friday we will enjoy Primary Centers following with noon dismissal. Parents who come and help -please sign in at the office-it is your official record of being here!

Religion: A review of last week –I am Good – understanding how God sent Jesus to teach us how to love others and live in His grace.

ELA: Our week will find us working in Theme 4, Friends Together. Our phonics skill has been to blend and segment word chunks /b/ ../ear/ and now we begin to isolate and say individual sounds in words: /c//a//n/then blend the word together. Important skills for beginning readers! Focus letter is /h/; reading strategy is questioning; comprehension focus is text organization and summarizing as we listen to read aloud stories and informational books.

EM: Section 3. 3 number formation and 3.4 measuring with the pan balance. Vocabulary terms to use: weight, compare, heavier, lighter, pan balance, level, balance, balanced, and equal.

Science: how animals change with the seasons, and review of animal movement and body parts.

Social studies: people today and long ago-a look at traditions and ways of life.

Health: we did not get to this subject last week! Healthy choices with foods and behaviors will begin this week and follow through the holidays.

Blessings for your families,

Mrs. Carol Brown
