I hope all families had a blessed Thanksgiving Day and nice weekend. Monday starts the second trimester! As these next two weeks begin, please note our continued school mission is to help others.
Please purchase a plush animal with tag for Teddy Bear Day. Next Wednesday, Dec. 6 sometime during the morning, we will bring our plush animals for the children in the Adopt-A-Family program. We are also encouraged bring in candy to fill stockings for these families. If you have candy from Halloween or Thanksgiving consider sending it in.
This week you may bring to school non-perishable food items for the St. Vicente de Paul society. Paper bags will come home this week with a list of food items needed. The food drive begins on December 4 — ends on December 8. Help support the less fortunate families in Ventura county.
Religion- Chapter 11 teaches us God’s family prepared for Jesus at Christmas. We prepare our hearts through prayer as we get ready for Advent.
Christmas program is Wednesday, December 13 at 6:30. Please note if your child has a line to memorize, please help them with this at home. Lines are coming home on Monday. The song sheet “Joy to the World” came home last week, please help with verse 1 and 2.
ELA – this new trimester we will be reading in groups daily, letter/sound recognition continues for all so we can learn to segment and blend simple CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words. Sight words are a big part of our reading as well as the pictures. Retelling the story is key to comprehension, work on this skill as you read together. We will be printing letters and words neatly as we begin to write sentences. Writing workshop finds us adding more to our pictures and writing words and/or simple sentences.
Math – reviewing patterns, number formation, working on number sense matching numerals to dice and dominoes. Counting to 100 by 5’s and 10’s.
Science – animal changes in winter –
Social studies – mapping continues…
Friday is a noon dismissal
Homework notes:
Send in Book-it form on Thursday, November 30 for the pizza coupon!
Conference schedule brings an 11:30 dismissal next week on Wednesday-Thursday-Friday. EDC will open at 11:30.
Any questions? Feel free to send me an email.
Blessing to your family,
Mrs. Brown