Dear Kindergarten Parents,
Your little saints did a wonderful job on Friday! I am sure you were very proud of them as we were. Thank you for supporting cancer awareness last month. November mission efforts helps support Adopt-A-Family through the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
a peek at this week!
Religion: Chapter 6 in our religion text, Talking to God is Good- Prayer helps us to be closer to God, our families and friends. This lesson connects with SLE A.4 Make good choices like Jesus.
ELA: Theme 2 – additional focus on comprehension while listening to stories, blending and segmenting words, sentences structure, reading sight word/ picture books and print formation.
Math: adding numbers with objects, counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, counting money, making predictions and measurement.
Science: Continues with our 5 senses. This week our lab is on our sense of sight.
Social Studies: Learning about families and traditions long ago as well as today.
Permission slips are due next week for our field trip to the Channel Islands Museum-thanking many families for returning these early!
Service hour calendar update: library readers and primary centers helpers are needed. If your schedule permits, please let me know.
Friday is a noon dismissal-
Blessing to your families,
Mrs. Carol Brown