Dear Families,


There is Donut Day presales  until November 16.  Donuts will be delivered on November 19th. No school on Wednesday in observance of Veteran’s Day.  Friday is a full day of school.

If you have extra Halloween candy please send it to school so it may be distributed to the Adopt-a- Family.  In addition to Teddy Bears we will be sending boxed cereal to  Adopt-a-Family.  Cereal boxes can be brought to school any time prior to Teddy Bear Day.

Below is an overview of our week:

Math:  We will take our unit 3 test on Thursday.  We will spend the first part of the week reviewing for our test.  Our IXL sections for this week are Z.10, Similar and congruent shapes and Z.1 Identify 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes.

Vocabulary: Unit 5

Religion.  We continue to study the parts of the Mass.  Our focus this week is how God speaks through the readings at Mass

Grammar:  We will be taking our Unit 1 test on Tuesday.

Social Studies: We will discuss what happened to the Roanoke colony.  We will have our chapter 4 test on November 17th.

Science: We will have our chapter 3 test on November 19th.

If you have any questions please let me know.  Thank you.

Ms. Carney

