The Archdiocese of Los Angeles, as part of the continuing effort to create safe environments for all, requires that all school family members who are on campus to complete service hours take the 3-hour Virtus class, Protecting God’s Children. To comply with this requirement, all who volunteer for campus activities must have a copy of […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Tomorrow is our first day! Hooray! This is the beginning of a wonderful year. I hope to meet everyone again in the morning. School begins at 7:50 and ends at 12:00 this week. We have a short assembly first after the bell rings at 7:50. We line up in the courtyard, look […]
We look forward to seeing the adult members of each family for a new format for sharing information about the coming school year in two single session Back to School Night(S). Please meet under the school patio cover Wednesday, August 21 at 6:30p for Part 1. Following a quick general introduction, family members will meet […]
Wednesday afternoon, August 7, scrip will be available for purchase during the same hours, 4-5:30p, as The Used Uniform Sale. The scrip office is open Monday-Thursday as we prepare for the start of the school year on August 14 when regular scrip office hours begin. You may email You may call 805.647.0713 Thank you!
Below is a message from our Dennis Uniform vendor! Remember only pants, shorts, skorts, and skirts are purchased from Dennis with all other uniform items available from Proforma. The links to Dennis Uniform and Proforma are at the bottom of the home page. REMEMBER: The Scrip Office is open for Dennis Uniform scrip as well […]
Dennis Uniform and Proforma are the two companies used to purchase all new uniform items for Sacred Heart School. Both are “brick and mortars” but heavily encourage the use of their online ordering platforms. Three times a year, we hold a Used Uniform Sale with our first on Wednesday, August 7 from 4-5:30p. Dennis Uniform […]
As the 7:50a bell rings for the start of our first day of school, Wednesday, August 14, we hope many family members are able to remain at school for the Annual Back to School Assembly. The staff will escort the students to their classrooms to drop off their belongings and all will quickly return to […]
Families with new kindergarten students, as well as families with first-eighth grade students new to our school, are invited to come to an orientation on Wednesday, August 7 at 5p. Incoming kindergarten students will have their own orientation in the classroom so it is important that they attend, but new students in first-eighth grade need […]
As in previous summers, all students in grades 1- 8 are to spend time during the weeks of summer on specific academic activities provided by our teachers to allow for skill retention, practice, and a quick start in August. Incoming kindergarten students will also find summer work provided by Mrs. Brown. All students will work […]
Welcome to today’s graduation. It is a special day – for the graduates, for their proud parents and grandparents, and for their teachers. Today is one of those great occasions when we get to celebrate our young people – their achievements, their perseverance and their successes as they grow. Graduation is seen as an official […]