As we return to school on Wednesday, January 2 through Friday, January 4 our lunch caterer remains on vacation. There will be no lunch options available for order until all return to a regular schedule on Monday, January 7.
All of the staff of Sacred Heart School wish you and your family a wonderful, family-filled, blessed Christmas Season. We await the coming of the Child Jesus and celebrate the goodness He brings to our world! May He shine His Light on us in 2019!
The week ahead in 4thgrade (Note: Students need to bring their recorders on Tuesday, but not on Wednesday. Also, there is no P.E. this week) Math: We continue work in Unit 5, reviewing what we have learned so far. Reading: We have finished our unit on nonfiction reading. Last week students completed group posters about their assigned […]
Getting everyone to and from school each morning and afternoon is a task we all share…and we certainly want to be doing this safely! We remind all to enter, move through, and exit the parking lot slowly. Moving as far forward as possible before stopping to allow students(s) to exit or enter the car adds […]
The fourth graders have just completed a unit on nonfiction reading. Groups of five students each studied a particular weather topic, taking notes and preparing two posters of their information.
Dear Families, This is a short week before we start our Christmas vacation. Wednesday is our Christmas party and a noon dismissal. If you have not already done so please return the permission slip and monies for our field trip on January 8th. We will be going to Mass together on Wednesday at 8:30. Please […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, The last couple weeks of Advent we have been preparing for the birth of Jesus. This short week we will try to keep our day on task finalizing some religion lessons and crafts, math, writing and reading. Monday we finish our day with our 5th grade friends to play Christmas games. Our […]
The Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students have been working with Mr. Hinojosa preparing for our Tuesday night presentation of “Just a Little Christmas” in Biedermann Hall at 6p. Doors will open at 5:30p. Merry Christmas!
HOMEWORK Fluency Homework Math IXL A.15 & review Math Study Guide No Language IXL Reading Log (Read Daily 20 min.) Practice spelling words on Test will be on MONDAY. Practice Sight word booklet daily A SNEAK PEEK AT OUR ACADEMICS Language Arts: WORD DETECTIVES for reading: My awesome word detectives have been using […]
Third grade families, We are in the Christmas spirit! This week we will be completing some fun Christmas themed math and ELA assignments! Cooler weather has arrived, please make sure to send your children to school with sweaters and jackets, with their names clearly marked. We have a little over a week left before we […]