Today the United States celebrates the founding of our Republic with Constitution Day. On September 17, 1787 the founding fathers signed the Constitution that established our form of a Republic government. A happy day indeed!
Dear Families, This Wednesday is a Free Dress Day for a $1.00 donation. The donations are for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Adopt-a-Family. Friday is a full day of school with a 2:45 dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Math: This week our focus is on magnitude estimates and chance events. I will […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we go another fun week of school! Very proud to say your children are doing a wonderful job each day. This week we have our first in class art lesson with Miss Nancy Spooner on Tuesday! Please bring in $$$ on Wednesday. It is a non-uniform (free dress) day. Please check […]
Vision and hearing are the two annual health screenings for students in Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and all students new to Sacred Heart School, and a scoliosis screening is completed in the Middle School. On Monday, September 24 we will conduct the vision screening; the other two will be scheduled for later in the […]
This week we continue to learn as we listen to God’s word at Mass. In class we listen to God’s word as we read stories from the Children’s Bible. The stories of Noah and Jonah have been our class focus. Today your children enjoyed painting a scene adorned with a rainbow. We are making a […]
The 6th and 7th grade went to the Skirball Center this week to experience an archaeology dig. Students worked in sand pits and brainstormed about the items they found from an ancient city. We then went into the museum to view ancient trade routes, a grave, and writing systems. The students learned that archaeology is […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week we checked out 2 library books. One to read at home and one stays in class. Please return library book by Wednesday in order to check out another book for home. Required work: List reading material on log Do a book response (your child may want to report on library […]
This week the 5th grade class reflected on the quote from Mother Teresa, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love”. We discussed how small acts of kindness can really made a difference to other people. The students wrote about how they have experienced small acts of kindness.
This week in religion we are learning and discussing how God speaks to us through the church – the people! As we began this discussion, we also began to focus on our SLEs. We chose the first SLE: A.1 “Understand the teachings of the Catholic faith”. As we reflected on this SLE, we have discovered […]
Hello Second Grade Families, I hope everyone is enjoying these cool, foggy mornings. We continue to make our start through the school year and add a little more to our list responsibilities each and every week. Below is a peek at what lies ahead: Math: We will wrap up Unit 1 this week with a […]